Why use the application "tori"
Pidgin English like we saw earlier in the introduction was a language used by our forefathers to communicate with the whitemen during the period of slavery. They also used the language as they carriedout trade with these whitemen.
Our forefathers used pidgin english,because they were unable to speak like the whitemen and communicate in perfect english. As years went by, and with the coming of education,Africans became eduacted and could now speak the english language without a lot of flaws. They became aware of the differences in the pidgin english and correct english.
The Amazing thing now is that, education didn't completely wipe out the pidgin language. Africans started using both languages and continued to maintain the language of their forefathers. Education and Civilization made Africans aware of the difference between what is considered correct English and what is considered pidgin English(Although we still find people especially in rural areas in Africa who can't tell the difference between the two) .
It is thus realized that despite controversy that pidgin English is not good and can derail one from speaking correct English,the language keeps gaining widespread popularity. In anglophone Cameroon for example,we realize that pidgin is used as a relaxation language. We find friends discussing and sharing stories in the language, those in bars drink and discuss in pidgin and many others. In the Roman Catholic church for example, masses are made on some Sundays and weekdays in pidgin and there is equallly the existence of a Bible in pidgin. With such attention given to a language, we can realize that it is indeed a "necessary evil". Once I was going through super sports website and I saw football commentaries in the pidgin language. I was amazed and I asked myself several questions. Why did they see putting up commentaries in pidgin as important? I think there is one obvious answer to this and that is the fact that pidgin English is a language many people identify with. Thus they needed to get to that target too and inform them on what was happening.
What then is the idea behind "tori "?
We live in a digitalized world. A world where people use the Internet everyday for their daily activities. There exist millions Of applications that are downloaded daily to ease communication and aid in the daily hustle. "Tori" comes in as an app that will provide you with the entertainment and infotainment you desire. It is an app that reminds us of our cultural heritage. An app reminds us of the language of our forefathers "pidgin language ".
This app provides a forum for individuals and groups to be able to share ideas, to educate, to be informed, to entertain themselves, to promote themselves and their businesses all in pidgin English. It is true that on other social media applications like Facebook and Twitter for example, individuals and groups can express themselves in pidgin English.The question now is; how many of these apps are actually created in pidgin? This is where the app "Tori " comes in. "Tori" is thus an app with everything in pidgin english. Isn't this just amazing?? Pidgin words like "Ntang" are used to represent the home page. unlike the english word "post" used in most apps , "tori" uses "Nak tori" to indicate that. Im I letting the cat out of the bag ? Definitely not. Discover for yourself what amazing things this beautiful pidgin english app has to offer. All posts, videos, adverts, news items, sporting events in pidgin English!!. This app becomes a meeting point and a place where only Africans can understand and enjoy what is posted. This is definitely going to be fun!! There you will find Jokes in pidgin that will keep that beautiful smile on your face all day. Sports fans will be given updates on their favorites teams in pidgin English. Women who love fashion and need beauty tips will be updated on the latest Fashion trends and tips for good living. Who is excited? Remember, there is a whole package for everyone.
The app "tori" is interactive. You can suggest, add or debunk anything you do not consider correct and you can only do this in pidgin English.
More updates will be on your way. Feel free to leave comments and ask questions. Our ready team will gladly provide you with answers.
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